Monday 11 March 2019

Yanko Skin Care – Five steps Skin Care for Busy Office Ladies

Yanko Skin Care – Five steps Skin Care for Busy Office Ladies

Fighting for every second and minute is a reflection of many urban office ladies. It is almost impossible for them to spare enough time on skin care from busy work every day. Then, how office ladies take effective care of skin in limited time? Follow the below five steps, and you need not to worry about your skin get damaged even if your work is busy.

1 Lotion spray for dry skin
For office ladies in urban city, a big threat to skin is air-conditioner. AC may take away the water and make the skin dry or even allergies. Female workers in office can take small bottles with lotion inside and spray every two or three hours. For a few seconds, the skin can relief a little and get moisturized in spraying. This way not only can keep the makeup, but also can help makeup set.

2. Firming eye cream for bright eyes
Before makeup, choose lift eye cream and evenly apply it on the lower eyelid, and the eye skin can get quickly tightened while the makeup is more effective and effect. But do not apply on the upper eyelid, or eye makeup may get easily mixed.

3. Accelerate Digestive metabolism 
In the morning or before the bedtime, to the clockwise direction, massage around the belly button in circles by hands for 50 laps. Then the intensity is flexibly controlled, but the most important thing is to persistence. 60 seconds per day can effectively improve gastrointestinal discomfort and reduce the chance of constipation.

4.Enhance absorption of skin care products
Usually, washing and patting face, is the most simple and economical way of care. After applying product on face, combine index finger, middle finger and ring finger to pat the whole face; be light and quick; do not slow or hard. These skills can effectively help skin do aerobic exercise and the absorption of care products will be faster and more effective.

5.Honey for recover peeling nose
Generally use cold boiled water to dilute or maintain honey at a state; get mask paper immersed for around 5 minutes and then do the basic maintenance. Nose peeling will get a lot of relief. For sensitive skin, please remember to do the skin test first for that some may be allergic to honey before use this method.


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