Thursday, 1 August 2019


Products Malaysia – Antioxidants
You may be wondering what are antioxidants and how do they improve skin? Well, antioxidants are natural compounds found in a different food, such as fruits, fish, vegetables, grains and nuts. Research says antioxidants can defend cells from damage due to free radicals (result from UV radiation, environmental pollution, even metabolism, pollutions and cigarette smokes.)
If you are not protected from these free radical damage, your skins will have different problems, from skins disease to skins aging. The common antioxidants are vitamins A, C and E, lycopene, selenium and carotenoids.
All Yanko Skincare Products contains antioxidants, however, Yanko Platinum Perfect Whitening Series has most effective ingredient to promote so.
Any inquiries :

Friday, 19 July 2019

lDoes Skincare Products Expire?

Does Skincare Products Expire?

One of the commonly asked question we have received is: Does Skincare Products Expire?

  Well our answer to that will be skincare products of all kinds should last about three years, but if you have been putting them in a car with Malaysia's weather (so you could reapply them all the long as and when you feel you needed to), it's can go bad way sooner.

   Yanko Skincare products, particularly, are made of high level of protein and natural plant extracts, combining Vitamin A, C, E and BHA skin activation essence, provide anti-aging effect by accelerating natural metabolism of skin and remove accumulated black pigments, restoring skin's natural glow, require your tender, love and care – keep them away from sunlight and keep them dry, then an unsealed Yanko Skincare products shall last you at least 2 years, though it should be exhausted way before the said period shall you apply them according to the suggested method.
Yanko skincare HQ 2019

Monday, 15 July 2019

Kenali jenis-jenis kulit anda


Kajian menunjukkan ramai wanita yang beli produk penjagaan kulit, tetapi akhirnya ia tak sesuai pun dengan kulit sendiri. Sudahnya membazir, kalau lagi teruk kulit jadi semakin sensitif. 
Kulit kita ni juga boleh berubah mengikut keadaan dan masa. Ia sangat bergantung kepada tempat tinggal, perubahan cuaca, umur,  dan juga perubahan hormon. Jadi kulit sayang pada umur 15 tahun,  mungkin tidak akan sama dengan kulit sayang pada umur 20, 30, atau 50 tahun. Faham faham ?

Jom kenali jenis kulit dulu:
Kulit normal

Ramai inginkan kulit jenis ini kerana senang sangat nak jaga. 
Kulit normal adalah kulit yang kelihatan halus dan bersih. 

Kulit berminyak

Biasanya kelihatan tebal dengan pori pori terbuka. 
Kemungkinan bermasalah seperti jerawat akibat penyumbatan pada pori pori. 
Ini kerana kalenjar minyak terlalu aktif menghasilkan minyak yang berlebihan pada permukaan kulit. 

Kulit kering

Biasanya kurang berminyak atau lembap atau kedua duanya sekali. 
Keadaan ini disebabkan oleh kalenjar minyak yang kurang aktif atau terdedah kepada penghawa dingin, pembersih muka beralkali tinggi(boleh dikenalpasti dengan buih yang berlebihan), kurang minum air dan kesan ubat ubatan. 

Kulit kombinasi

Kulit jenis ini adalah licin, lembut, dan lembap apabila disentuh. 
Kadangkala kulit lebih kepada kering atau berminyak di bahagian zon T muka. 

Kulit sensitif

Kulit jenis ini sangat peka dengan rangsangan luar. 
Contohnya perubahan cuaca boleh menyebabkan kulit pecah, merah merah dan pedih.
Penggunaan kosmetik yang salah juga mempengaruhi kulit sensitif. 


Sudah kenalpasti jenis kulit yang bagaimana? Jadi bolehlah dijadikan panduan untuk memilih produk kecantikan yang sesuai dengan kulit memasing. 

info lanjut  :

Monday, 10 June 2019


generasi ketiga - YANKO SKINCARE, kesan pemutihan formula baru ( SET BASIC)
mengandungi faktor pelembap yang berkesan, terkandung bersama Arbutin dan ekstrak baru tumbuhan , vitamin, protein kulit yang diperlukan supaya meresap lembut ke dalam kulit dan perbaiki tona kulit lebih sekata.

kandungan ( set basic ) extract tumbuh - tumbuhan semulajadi yang terkandung membantu memudarkan parut, menghilangkan freckles, biji ruam.
Bakteria yang tercemar penyebab tumbuhnya jerawat pada kulit wajah.

kaedah pembentukan melanin, untuk mencapai kesan cerah berganda, daya tahan kulit mengukuhkan lagi struktur kulit, menjadikan kulit lebih licin dan lembut dan pemulihan elastik.

Teknologi penyelidikan CR Perancis yang sangat canggih telah menghasilkan ramuan aktif yang unik khas untuk Menghapuskan sel-sel yang melanin dan mengurangkan melanin

Peringkat awal remaja dan 20an yang mempunyai masalah seperti jerawat parut, kulit berminyak serta combination skin. set basic pilihan buat anda

Kulit cerah dan bersinar bak permata kini bukan lagi mimpi tapi sebuah impian buat semua wanita ~ 

Shenzhen Yanko High-End Biological Technology Co., Ltd. © copyright 2019

Sunday, 28 April 2019


Formula susu segar membantu mengekalkan kelembapan kulit dan memperbaiki peredaran air di dalam kulit, menjadikan kulit anda bersih dan lincin,mengurangkan kulit kering
dan kasar.
Berkesan memberi kecerahan yang sempurna secara langsung dapat menghilangkan bintik hitam,
bintik-bintik dan melasma pada muka, mengawal komposisi pigmen hitam dengan cepat, melindungi kulit secara berkesan dari luar dan mengintegrasikan khasiat kulit. berkesan melindungi wajah anda, secara mendadak mencegah penuaan kulit dan membuat kulit anda kembali tegang dan awet muda.
Formula unik Produk baru ini mempunyai anti-kedut yang berkesan dan fungsi pelembab yang tinggi, yang boleh menyesuaikan dan memperbaiki kulit yang rosak, memulihkan kulit, menggalakkan sel metabolisme, menghilangkan kedut dan melambatkan penuaan.
Ia mengandungi protein tinggi unit.yang digabungkan dengan intipati tumbuhan semulajadi, vitamin A, C, E, faktor pelembab, esensi pembaharuan yang aktif, boleh memberi perlindungan mencukupi yang terbaik untuk kulit.
Meresap ke dalam kulit membantu mengaktifkan kulit, meningkatkan keupayaan sel pengumpulan collegen pada wajah, menggalakkan tenaga sel dan baik pulih kulit agar lebih glowing dan elastik.
Penggunaan yang berterusan kulit akan lebih halus, glowing dan lincin serta cerah dan sekata
info lanjut sila tekan link ini :

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

No more white, summer is coming to an end!

No more white, summer is coming to an end!

Skin is an important part of the appearance of a woman. The health of a woman's skin is not only related to the impression of others, but also affects her own emotions. Generally speaking, after a woman enters puberty, due to excessive activity of hormones to stimulate sebum secretion, too much skin oil, it is easy to form pores and blockage, causing acne on the face (acne).

In addition to the environment (dust, sunlight, air pollution, etc.), the skin is also damaged, and becomes dark and rough as the age increases. After the age of 25, the human skin begins to decline. People will become more aging when they are middle-aged, wrinkles will increase, and elasticity will be weakened.

Therefore, if a woman wants to have healthy and moisturized skin, she must pay attention to the usual maintenance. Especially for 90% of Asian ladies, translucent and fair skin can be said to be a lifelong pursuit. White is more confident and perfect.

What is the good “white”?
Whitening, in addition to white enamel also comes with "transparent, shiny, good-looking" attributes, is a reflection of the beautiful skin and healthy body white.

What hinders us from turning white?
We are exposed to UVA and UVB every day. After receiving two kinds of radiation, the melanocytes (Melatin cells) at the bottom of the skin generate melanin through a substance called tyrosinase. Pass to the surface of the skin until it reaches the stratum corneum.
When melanin accumulates in the stratum corneum and reaches a certain amount and spreads, the complexion becomes darker.

The figure below shows the process of gradually transferring to the skin after the formation of melanin:
This darkening of the skin is actually an instinct to the skin without fear. But when we get dark, it is definitely not happy, so we must whiten it~

The core ingredient of YANKO PLATINUM SERIES is the planting and anti-black double-effect complex. Concentrated with unique natural plant extracts, it can increase cell permeability, significantly dilute melanin, inhibit tyrosinase activity, promote skin metabolism, and become more translucent and bright.
The texture of YANKO WHITENING DAY CREAM is the same as that of the pixel cream. The skin is obviously brightened by one degree, which can evenly color the skin. When you are lazy, you don’t want to wear makeup. It is enough to only apply it to the door. It can also resist external invasion and internal maintenance.

YANKO WHITENING NIGHT CREAM is specially formulated with a highly effective moisturizing active ingredient, which works together with the anti-blackening double-effect combination to make the skin fair and radiant and richer and moisturized.
One touch, infiltrate each dry and fine lines, deepen purifying and tighten pores, infuse the skin with full nourishing and brightening ingredients, "light" the skin, remove the dullness and dilute the spots, and the skin will then be moist and full. Bright and transparent, it glows like a plant, as if every cell is full of plant essence.
In order to be healthy and naturally white, everyone should remember to step by step, do not rush to seek success, but the speed is not up, choose the right product, it will be whiter than now!

Tuesday, 26 March 2019


Yanko Skincare adalah produk penjagaan kulit yang original dari Taiwan dan bertindak sebagai bahan asas semulajadi untuk mengawal dan merawat segala masalah kulit wajah.

Fungsi utama Yanko adalah untuk merawat jerawat, jeragat, mencerahkan kulit, menghilangkan pigmen, bekas-bekas hitam/parut jerawat, blackhead, whitehead dan seterusnya menjadikan kulit lebih glowing dan berseri.

Yanko Skincare sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit dan peringkat umur. 

Yanko Skincare adalah produk original yang berasal dari Taiwan dan telah berada didalam pasaran sejak tahun 1996. Ini bermakna sudah berada selama 20 tahun dan Yanko diperbuat menggunakan teknologi canggih dari German. 
Bahan utama Yanko Skincare adalah dari bahan tumbulan semulajadi dan mempunyai tambahan Vitamian A , C , E , AHA dan BHA. Jadi dijamin selamat digunakan dan tiada bahan merkuri yang digunakan.

⤼Membunuh bakteria pada kulit
⤼Mencerahkan kulit dengan cepat
⤼Mengatasi masalah jeragat dan pigmentasi
⤼Merawat jerawat dengan pantas dengan berkesan
⤼Merawat dan memudarkan bekas parut jerawat
⤼Mengandungi SPF yang membantu melindungi kulit dari sinaran UV
⤼Menggebukan kulit dan menegangkan kulit supaya tampak lebih awet muda
⤼Mengecilkan pori-pori dalam masa seminggu sahaja dan kulit nampak lebih licin dan glowing

Yanko mempunyai 4 jenis dan ketiga-tiganya mempunyai fungsi yang hampir sama tetapi berbeza mengikut jenis-jenis kulit seperti berikut :-

✔Set Basic khas buat remaja dari peringkat 16tahun buat berumur 20an keatas bagi yang menghadapi masalah Kulit  NORMAL,BERMINYAK,COMBINATION SKIN BERJERAWAT & PARUT.Ia juga sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit seperti KULIT YANG SENSITIF,BIJI,KEMERAHAN dan RUAM.

✔Set Hydra berfungsi sama Set Basic seperti merawat masalah skin perbezaannya ialah Hydra set mempunyai TAMBAHAN + AGEN PELEMBAB disarankan bagi mereka yang mempunyai masalah KULIT KERING & KULIT KUSAM dan juga sesuai skin yang SENSITIF dan RUAM GATAL

✔Istimewanya Yanko Skincare Platinum adalah kerana ia mengandungi ANTI PENUAAN Dan MEMBANTU MENGANJALKAN. Disarankan bagi mereka yang menghadapi masalah kulit seperti JERAGAT. SET platinum juga membantu dan percegahan dari KEDUTAN DAN JERAGAT.Disaran kan untuk awal 30an khas utk AWET MUDA kerana Platinum membantu MENGANJALKAN KULIT.dan Juga Lebih sesuai untuk yang berumr 30 tahan ke atas.set ini tidak sesuai untuk skin sensitif.

✔Dikhaskan untuk kulit yang kering dan berjeragat ia mengandungi ANTI PENUAAN. Disarankan bagi mereka yang menghadapi masalah kulit yang sangat kering dan mengelupas dan kulit JERAGAT KERING dan seterusnya untuk kelihatan AWET MUDA kerana Platinum membantu MENGANJALKAN KULIT. Lebih sesuai untuk yang berumr 30 tahan ke atas.

[FYI]Set yanko skincare tidak disarankan untuk ibu mengandung sebarang pertanyaan boleh menghubungi kami


Friday, 22 March 2019



The fresh milk formula helps to keep the skin moisturized and ameliorates the water circulation inside the skin, making you clean and crystal clear and alleviating the pressure of the dry and coarse skin.
After facial cleansing in the daytime, use an approriate amount of this product on your forehead, cheeks and chin, use finger pulps to smear it and gently massage till absorbed.

This product adopts various high efficient whitening and skin care ingredients, which can directly resolve black freckles, freckles and melasma on face, rapidly control composition of black pigments, effectively protect skin against exterior environment and integrate skin nourishing, activating and whitening into one. Completely and effectively protect your face, dramatically prevent skin aging and make your skin resume youth and energy.
Before using it, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe proper amount the smoothing toner on the face and put this article about 1-2 grams evenly on the face. It can be used every day one to two times.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.

Brand new unique formula of this product has high efficient anti-wrinkles and deep moisturizing functions, which can effectively adjust and repair damaged skin, whiten skin, promote cell metabolism, remove wrinkles and slow down aging. It contain high unit protein, which combined with natural plant essence, vitamin A, C, E, moisturizing factors, active renewal essence, can provide best protection and nutrition to skin. It can go deep into dermal to activate skin, increase gathering ability of cells, promote cell energy and make skin shinning and elastic. Continuous use can make your skin delicate, attractive and full of youth and energy.
Every evening, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe the proper amount of toner, about 1-2 grams evenly on the face.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.


Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Yanko Activating Night Cream Advance

Yanko Activating Night Cream
Brand new unique formula of this product has high efficient anti-wrinkles and deep moisturizing functions, which can effectively adjust and repair damaged skin, whiten skin, promote cell metabolism, remove wrinkles and slow down aging. It contain high unit protein, which combined with natural plant essence, vitamin A, C, E, moisturizing factors, active renewal essence, can provide best protection and nutrition to skin. It can go deep into dermal to activate skin, increase gathering ability of cells, promote cell energy and make skin shinning and elastic. Continuous use can make your skin delicate, attractive and full of youth and energy. 
Every evening, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe the proper amount of toner, about 1-2 grams evenly on the face.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.
Storage: Put it in the shade
Period of validity:See bottom
Volume: 15ml

Yanko Whitening Day Cream Advance

Yanko Whitening Day Cream
This product adopts various high efficient whitening and skin care ingredients, which can directly resolve black freckles, freckles and melasma on face, rapidly control composition of black pigments, effectively protect skin against exterior environment and integrate skin nourishing, activating and whitening into one. Completely and effectively protect your face, dramatically prevent skin aging and make your skin resume youth and energy.
Before using it, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe proper amount the smoothing toner on the face and put this article about 1-2 grams evenly on the face. It can be used every day one to two times.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.

Storage: Put it in the shade
Period of validity:See bottom
Volume: 15ml 

YankoMoisturizing cream

YankoMoisturizing cream
The fresh milk formula helps to keep the skin moisturized and ameliorates the water circulation inside the skin, making you clean and crystal clear and alleviating the pressure of the dry and coarse skin.
After facial cleansing in the daytime, use an approriate amount of this product on your forehead, cheeks and chin, use finger pulps to smear it and gently massage till absorbed.
Storage: Put it in the shade
Period of validity:See bottom
Volume: 15ml

Yanko Prefect Whitening Cleanser Platinum

Yanko Prefect Whitening Cleanser
Effectively remove oil,powders and dirt remained on face,remove cutin and dead skin on face,promote skin metabolism, help whitening ingredients go into skin
Use it every morning and every night. 
Take proper amount in the hands and add some cold water or warm water and rub up some foam and put it on the face, and make gently massage. After this, clean it thoroughly. 
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.
Storage: put it in the shade
Period of validity:see bottom
Volume: 100ml

Yanko Whitening Night Cream Platinum

Yanko Whitening Night Cream
Accelerate natural metabolism of skin,remove accumulated black pigments and make tough skin smooth and delicate.
Before using it, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe proper amount the smoothing toner on the face and put this article about 1-2 grams evenly on the face. It can be used every day one to two times.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.
Storage: Put it in the shade
Period of validity:See bottom
Volume: 15ml

Yanko Whitening Day Cream Platinum

Yanko Whitening Day Cream
This product can decompose has formed a black face, freckles, Hu Dieban and latent surface bacterial infection of acne (acne), alleviate the formation of melanin, achieve double whitening effect, strengthen skin resistance, skin smooth, tender and elastic recovery
Before using it, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe proper amount the smoothing toner on the face and put this article about 1-2 grams evenly on the face. It can be used every day one to two times.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.
Storage: Put it in the shade
Period of validity:See bottom
Volume: 15ml

Yanko Whitening Night Cream Hydra

Yanko Whitening Night Cream
This product contains high protein, can effectively and quickly make the skin become white and delicate.
Every evening, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe the proper amount of toner, about 1-2 grams evenly on the face.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.
Storage: Put it in the shade
Period of validity:See bottom
Volume: 15ml

Yanko Anti-spot Day Cream Hydra

Yanko Anti-spot Day Cream
Titanium Dioxide,Cetyl Alcohol,Glyceryl Monostearate,Propyl Glycol,Beeswax Isopropyl Myristate,Vaselin Orangell,Perfume,Lanelin Bearberry Arnica,Vitamin E.
Before using it, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe proper amount the smoothing toner on the face and put this article about 1-2 grams evenly on the face. It can be used every day one to two times.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.
Storage: Put it in the shade
Period of validity:See bottom
Volume: 15ml 

Yanko Whitening&Conditioning Facial Cleanser Basic/hydra

Yanko Whitening&Conditioning Facial Cleanser
This product can thoroughly clean the oil powder and dirt remaining in the capillary hole, balance the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and eliminate the irregular skin
Effective ingredients, can quickly remove acne, prevent wrinkles generation, so that the skin quickly become white and elastic.
Use it every morning and every night. 
Take proper amount in the hands and add some cold water or warm water and rub up some foam and put it on the face, and make gently massage. After this, clean it thoroughly. 
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.
Storage: put it in the shade
Period of validity:see bottom
Volume: 100g

Yanko Whitening Night Cream Basic

Yanko Whitening Night Cream
The Signs Of Ageing, Improve Skin Quickly Bring Delicate Skin Sense
Every evening, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe the proper amount of toner, about 1-2 grams evenly on the face.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.
Storage: Put it in the shade
Period of validity:See bottom
Volume: 15ml

Yanko Anti-spot Day Cream Basic

Yanko Anti-spot Day Cream
Significantly Improve The Spots And Pimples, Whiten And Brighten The Skin Tone
Before using it, first use cleansing cream to clean the skin completely, wipe proper amount the smoothing toner on the face and put this article about 1-2 grams evenly on the face. It can be used every day one to two times.
Avoid touching the eyes directly, if you touch it carelessly, please wash your eyes in clean water.
Storage: Put it in the shade
Period of validity:See bottom
Volume:  15ml

Monday, 11 March 2019

5 Ingredients To Avoid For Sensitive Skins

5 Ingredients To Avoid For Sensitive Skins

Only people that LIVE in Malaysia WITH sensitive skins understand the pain of having sensitive skins, imagine yourself gone through dozens of skincare products thinking it's worth investing and in the end, it's a waste of your money and effort or worse, not only your skins conditions did not improve, it got worse – cracked skins, itchy, dry and redish.

Well I have done some read up and would like to share how you should avoid some ingredients that often used in most of the skincare products that is too harse for your sensitive skins.

#1: Avoid Glycolic acid, it is a member of alpha hydroxy acid family that's derived from citrus fruist, sugar canes and apples. It is very powerfyl exfoliater that unclogs pores and make your skin smooth and fimer, but it can be too harsh for sensitive skin. Try lactic acid instead, which is derived from sour milk and it is highly mositurizing, causes less irritation towards sensitive skins.

#2: Avoid chemical based sunscreen ingredients. Choose sunscreen that uses ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, don't use the typical sunscreen which are absorbed into the skin, those that made with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide stays on the skin's surface providing protection without introducing much irritation.

#3: Avoid Retinoids. These vitatmin A are one of the best ingredient to treat signs of premature aging and boost for smoother and healther skin, but they are often too strong for sensitive skin. Know yourself, opt for milder options instead of going too gung-ho for the treat.

#4: Avoid Benzoyl peroxide. Though this ingredient is effective for acne, it leaves skin looking worse than the acne blemishes. Try lower strength salicylic acid formula, you don't need very strong formula to get rid of your acne problem, just something that would gently unclog pores and smooth the skin, salicylic acid formula is great for anti-aging as well.

#5: The biggest no-no – avoid artificial fragrances or coloring at all cost. You really, really don't need complicated stuff when you are having sensitive skin, the more you use, the more you need to use to solve your problem. Look out for Fragrance Free products, it is often specified on the label.
Read more about Yanko Skincare Whitening – Basic Series. Again like I've said, the basics are all you need when you are having sensitive skins.


Set basic


YANKO BASIC Whitening Cleansing Foam Contains various type of moisturizing components, which provides essential polysaccharide and amino acid for skins and able to deep cleans the skin and removing oil, cosmetic powders and dirt from pores, provide balancing on oil secretion and perform skin repair. Effective in curing pimples, wrinkles prevention and restores skin’s shine.

Directions for Use:
Apply evenly on skin, apply warm water and then gently massage for 2 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly with water.
Size: 100ml 3.4fl.oz

YANKO BASIC Whitening Fade-Out Day Cream Contain high protein, natural plant extracts, AHA, vitamin A,C,E and BHA – typical skin activating essence, which could quickly improve revitalize aging cells in skins, accelerate natural skin’s metabolism. It also removes accumulated black pigments and restore skin’s shine.

Directions For Use:
Apply evenly onto the face after cleans.
Size: 15ml 0.5fl.oz

YANKO BASIC Whitening Night Cream Contain high protein, natural plant extracts, AHA, vitamin A,C,E and BHA – typical skin activating essence, which could quickly improve revitalize aging cells in skins, accelerate natural skin’s metabolism. It also removes accumulated black pigments and restore skin’s shine.

Directions For Use:
Apply evenly onto the face after cleans.
Size: 15ml 0.5fl.oz


Yanko Skin Care -Skin Care Guidelines Bad Habits for Growing Sp

Yanko Skin Care -Skin Care Guidelines Bad Habits for Growing Spots

No.1 Disregard sun-lock
Wrinkles and spots on face are mostly caused by light and aging. Long-time exposure under burning sunshine in summer will darken the skin pigment, which will turns into spots over time. We’d better apply sun lock on the exposed skin before going out except umbrellas and hats.

No.2 Prefer heavy makeup
Cosmetic contains metal components that have a function of light absorption. Some people in the long term rely on cosmetics with lead, mercury and other chemical metals or spices added, which is easy to cause black rounds. The skin covered by thick cosmetics do not breath well; the makeup is not removed totally; some pigments and harmful substances from cosmetics will be partly left on skin. Pigments are accumulating afterwards, which is an evil star of the skin.

No.3 Over-whitening
One white covers all ugly, for which girls like whitening without doubts. But do you know? Over-whitening hurts our skin and increases the chance of growing pigments. Some girls frequently scrub or do some chemical peel-offs for whitening, which cause the cuticle separate from the skin. They feel the more they do, the whiter skin will be, while it is not. In fact, if whitened too often, the skin will become dry, more sensitive to light, and easy to rash under sun. Pigmentation gets worse than before instead.

No.4 Wrong cleansing habits
Housewives are usually called Bugger Face for long stay at home. The impression they left is dull face covered with chloasma. Do you know that daily chemical products are harmful to our skin, like washing powder, detergent, toilet cleaner, and bleacher? These cleaners all contain alkali and fatty acids as main ingredients, both of which can hurt skin at the same time when they remove the dirties. Long-term contact with these cleaners without nourishment, spots will be quietly seen on face. This is how Bugger Face formed. Therefore, girls must pay attention to face cleansing.  Do not be lazy at it, or you might regret.

No. 5 Faced with PC for long
Computer radiation has five crimes on skin: facial acnes, radiation spots, dull and dry skin, eyesight drop, dark circles. But with the continuous expansion of computer applications, our life and work cannot live without computer. How? Except that we are mean to reduce the time faced with computer, radiation protection is important as well. Apply radiation protection Cream before makeup, which can effectively protect skin from computer radiation and reduce pigment accumulation and keep away from freckles or chloasmas.


Yanko Skin Care – Five steps Skin Care for Busy Office Ladies

Yanko Skin Care – Five steps Skin Care for Busy Office Ladies

Fighting for every second and minute is a reflection of many urban office ladies. It is almost impossible for them to spare enough time on skin care from busy work every day. Then, how office ladies take effective care of skin in limited time? Follow the below five steps, and you need not to worry about your skin get damaged even if your work is busy.

1 Lotion spray for dry skin
For office ladies in urban city, a big threat to skin is air-conditioner. AC may take away the water and make the skin dry or even allergies. Female workers in office can take small bottles with lotion inside and spray every two or three hours. For a few seconds, the skin can relief a little and get moisturized in spraying. This way not only can keep the makeup, but also can help makeup set.

2. Firming eye cream for bright eyes
Before makeup, choose lift eye cream and evenly apply it on the lower eyelid, and the eye skin can get quickly tightened while the makeup is more effective and effect. But do not apply on the upper eyelid, or eye makeup may get easily mixed.

3. Accelerate Digestive metabolism 
In the morning or before the bedtime, to the clockwise direction, massage around the belly button in circles by hands for 50 laps. Then the intensity is flexibly controlled, but the most important thing is to persistence. 60 seconds per day can effectively improve gastrointestinal discomfort and reduce the chance of constipation.

4.Enhance absorption of skin care products
Usually, washing and patting face, is the most simple and economical way of care. After applying product on face, combine index finger, middle finger and ring finger to pat the whole face; be light and quick; do not slow or hard. These skills can effectively help skin do aerobic exercise and the absorption of care products will be faster and more effective.

5.Honey for recover peeling nose
Generally use cold boiled water to dilute or maintain honey at a state; get mask paper immersed for around 5 minutes and then do the basic maintenance. Nose peeling will get a lot of relief. For sensitive skin, please remember to do the skin test first for that some may be allergic to honey before use this method.


How to care for mature women, YANKO is the most beautiful you

How to care for mature women, YANKO is the most beautiful you

It is actually very simple to keep your mind relaxed. Keep smiling and read more books. Do not suffer for one thing. Before you look at everything, life is always good.

Every woman has a beautiful self in her heart, always wanting to fix herself in a very beautiful moment. Maintaining beauty is a required course for every beauty-loving woman.

No longer hurt, how to maintain a thirty-year-old woman, you love the United States, today will be able to find the best answer, maintenance tips are below.

1, keep a good mood

The best maintenance is not a lot of expensive skin care products, but it keeps you happy every day. The old saying “being from the heart” will keep you happy every day.

It is actually very simple to keep your mind relaxed. Keep smiling and read more books. Do not suffer for one thing. Before you look at everything, life is always good.

2, bid farewell to bad habits

Smoking, drinking, and staying up late, everyone knows that these are all physical injuries and will destroy our face.

Make a healthy beauty. From now on, bid farewell to bad habits, do not smoke, drink less, do not stay up late, can live out the spirit of God. From inside to outside, it is more charming to send out its own beauty.

3, choose the skin care products

Fine lines, pigmentation, and loose skin appear at this age. Facing these problems, there is no need to fear. Xiaobian recommends some good solutions for you.

Taiwan's Geiger's new brand of products [Angel's Feather-Repair Series] is a global high-energy plant active ingredient

 A variety of valuable plant extracts, through the study of plant activity and precise measurement of cell renewal and circulation, completely eliminates skin problems caused by various environments or pressures from the bottom of the skin! YANKO - Angel of the Emirates

Through the study of plant activity and the precise measurement of cell turnover cycles, YANKO-Ange's final research results are integrated into “innovative repair formulas” to comprehensively improve the appearance of rough skin and focus on repairing premature aging of skin such as spots and dull skin. Phenomenon, repairing and restoring healthy muscles, anticipating young faces.


Rejected Melanin As the saying

Rejected Melanin
As the saying goes, “One white cover three ugliness”, our women’s pursuit of whitening is like humankind’s pursuit of light and never stops. For this reason, whitening concealer cosmetics such as rouge powder are almost essential products for every adult woman. In fact, whitening is like treating a disease. It is not as good as a permanent cure. Only the inner skin is well-conditioned, and the root cause of the whitening culprit, melanin, is the skin's natural whitening brilliance

ICP - Third Generation - New Formula Whitening Day Cream

Contains highly effective moisturizing factor, new arbutin with new plant extracts and vitamins, and protein needed for skin, allowing nourishing a gentle, comprehensive, and natural plant extract that can directly decompose and remove dark spots, freckles, and butterflies that have formed on the face Spots and facial blemishes (acne) that have been invaded by bacteria quickly inhibit the formation of melanin, double the effect of whitening, strengthen the skin's resistance, and make the skin smooth, tender and elastic.

When technology and art are combined
All things in heaven and earth have their own reasons for existence

Everything on the earth
All are God's gifts to humanity
Yank (pray) with respect for natural wisdom
Coordinating valuable plant extracts and natural resources

The selection of the best quality of precious plants, concise superior natural energy beauty muscle elements

Extremely sophisticated French CR technology
Designed to contain unique healing active ingredients

Eliminate cells that are already filled with melanin and reduce melanin

Whitening skin shines like a diamond
Continue to create stunning miracles for beautiful skin art



2014 YEAR
For more profound understanding yanko’s Chinese mainland market,Taiwan JiaoNuo Connaught COSmetics CO.,Ltd.was changed to:[Taiwan Yanko high-end biotechnology co.,LTD]promoted to Yanko “Intemational Affairs Headquarters”!And grand launch”Flying angle flawless repair series”as the first set of products entered the Chinese mainland market,to every woman is like an angelic intensive care.

2012-2013, Chinese, Yonko sights cosmetics market growing strong, started the research and preparatory work to enter the mainland market, and the establishment of Shenzhen Yonko high-end Bio Technology Co. Ltd. as Chinese mainland responsibility unit.

2011, to further improve the scientific and technical innovation, start Yongai plant whitening science project, for the pursuit of fair and clear skin no trace, launched as an innovative skincare brand leap new ideas open new whitening skincare technology field for the enterprise.

Yanko keep to the innovative spint of enterprise,implement new formula upgrade,optimization and improvement the formula based on the third generation of skin whitening.finally in2008push out of the”Yanko eighth generation whitening freckle Moisturizing Series”,to offer you the transparent traceless skin beautifying

After two years of preparation.Yanko Finally launch new products”PAODY Gold-Pure Whiteing Skin Care Series”followw a series of old products successfully into the Southeast Asia’s Thailand, Myanmar,Vietnam and other places have sales,and are subiect to the market in hot pursuit,so the Yanko enterprise development lead into the golden era.

Yanko do the preparation for enter the Southeast Asian market to further expand the business,started up their own brand names.and set up a Supporting factory in mainland China.

In2003,Yanko in order to meet more consumer demand,to provide consumers with more professional whitening skin care experience,have launched such as:”basche””karme””zidi” other peoducts! Consumers much praise on Taiwan and the European market,selling so far.

Taiwan Yanko resource integration,joint world famous enterprises:U.S.A-Kemin(The intemational raw materials cultivation company)、France-silab(intemational leadingR&D company),In order to enter the European And then set up an office in Hongkong,And offcially changed its name to:[Yanko cosmetics int’l group co.,ltd].As Europe and the United States trade
