Sunday, 22 January 2017

All About skincare

Many women will notice this until the age of 40.
Recently, the Korean drama "진심이 닿다" is very popular. The female artist X lawyer, the light character setting is super appealing!

"T"진심이 닿다" is a romantic drama of political and legal subjects. It begins with a TV drama that came to the law firm, the representative actress of the Republic of Korea, Wu Yunshu (Yoo In-Na) and the perfectionist lawyer Zheng Zhenglu (Lee Dong Wook). Romantic love story of Korean goddess disguised employment

What is completely unexpected is that both of them are almost 40 years old and can’t believe it! Our 40-year-olds are dark and long-spotted. Why are they still playing idol dramas at the age of 40? Do they have preservatives?

Clean and fair skin is what most women dream of, but most people can't do it. The culprit is the melanin in our skin. The precipitation of melanin tends to make the skin dull and even long-spotted.

There is such a rule that every March, all kinds of sunscreen whitening products like melanin will be active with sunlight, but for mature skin with relatively slow metabolism, whitening is not a season, but a lifetime. Do your homework.

Today we will talk about the number one enemy of mature skin - stains.
1. Does the stain appear only in units of particles? No, when they are really visible to the naked eye, they have been connected to the line, so it is most important to say that it is white.
2. Every time I always feel the spots on my face become serious? Most of the spots appearing under the eyes and at the cheekbones are sunburn. Because these two skins are very thin, they are prone to pigmentation due to sun exposure, so it is necessary to use a repairing product at night to improve.
Darkening of the skin and deepening of the pigmentation are a process, so the darkening of the skin in summer is not only related to the summer environment and skin care habits. If there is no continuous whitening product assistance, it is easy to appear dark and back spots. 

Therefore, the whitening products need to be used consistently, and the whitening principle of daytime and evening is still different. During the day, there are more protections, more repairs at night, 24 hours a day to chase the melanin, and the next white person is you!

White is not limited, YANKO ANTI-SPOT DAY CREAM contains arbutin plus vitamin C, E double whitening skin energy, effective to reduce the size of the stain, depth and repeatability.

Its texture is the same as the pixel cream, the skin is obviously brightened by one degree, and it can resist the invasion of the outside world. It is said that it is it!

YANKO WHITENING NIGHT CREAM contains breakthrough plant repair essence, repairs the daytime damage, hits the source of melanin at night, blocks the formation of stains, diminishes existing spots, and prevents future spots.

This night cream is a thick cream texture, coated with the feeling of full nutrition, need to cooperate with the correct massage techniques to promote the absorption of the skin, day after day, the skin can see the translucent.

YANKO WHITENNING&CONDITIONING FACIAL CLEANSER can gently and effectively removes the dirt left on the face, removes the horny skin and dead skin, leaving the skin radiant and shiny.

Although it can be cleaned deeply, it will not be dried at all, and the skin will be soft and tender~

If you want to whiten and anti-spot, in addition to the use of skin care products, synchronized physical sunscreen should also be done. Because there will be ultraviolet rays in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

A white cover ugly may be a little exaggerated, but the white lips and red lips beauty under the bright sunshine I ask who does not love!

Spring is here, it’s time to take care of your skin, don’t waste a good time.

Shenzhen Yanko High-End Biological Technology Co., Ltd. © copyright 2017

Today we will talk about the number one enemy of mature skin

Today we will talk about the number one enemy of mature skin - stains.

1. Does the stain appear only in units of particles? No, when they are really visible to the naked eye, they have been connected to the line, so it is most important to say that it is white.

2. Every time I always feel the spots on my face become serious? Most of the spots appearing under the eyes and at the cheekbones are sunburn. Because these two skins are very thin, they are prone to pigmentation due to sun exposure, so it is necessary to use a repairing product at night to improve.

Darkening of the skin and deepening of the pigmentation are a process, so the darkening of the skin in summer is not only related to the summer environment and skin care habits. If there is no continuous whitening product assistance, it is easy to appear dark and back spots. 

Therefore, the whitening products need to be used consistently, and the whitening principle of daytime and evening is still different. During the day, there are more protections, more repairs at night, 24 hours a day to chase the melanin, and the next white person is you!

White is not limited, YANKO ANTI-SPOT DAY CREAM contains arbutin plus vitamin C, E double whitening skin energy, effective to reduce the size of the stain, depth and repeatability.

Its texture is the same as the pixel cream, the skin is obviously brightened by one degree, and it can resist the invasion of the outside world. It is said that it is it!

YANKO WHITENING NIGHT CREAM contains breakthrough plant repair essence, repairs the daytime damage, hits the source of melanin at night, blocks the formation of stains, diminishes existing spots, and prevents future spots.

This night cream is a thick cream texture, coated with the feeling of full nutrition, need to cooperate with the correct massage techniques to promote the absorption of the skin, day after day, the skin can see the translucent.

YANKO WHITENNING&CONDITIONING FACIAL CLEANSER can gently and effectively removes the dirt left on the face, removes the horny skin and dead skin, leaving the skin radiant and shiny.

Although it can be cleaned deeply, it will not be dried at all, and the skin will be soft and tender~

If you want to whiten and anti-spot, in addition to the use of skin care products, synchronized physical sunscreen should also be done. Because there will be ultraviolet rays in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

A white cover ugly may be a little exaggerated, but the white lips and red lips beauty under the bright sunshine I ask who does not love!

Spring is here, it’s time to take care of your skin, don’t waste a good time.

Shenzhen Yanko High-End Biological Technology Co., Ltd. © copyright 2017



At this time, 90% of women will encounter this problem.

Recently, the climate has changed. Many friendshave said to me: My skin is dry and peeling, the condition is bad, what should I do?

Today I want to talk about the problem of sensitive skin.

Of course, most people are sensitive to these days, but the small partners of sensitive skin should always pay attention, or else they will be allergic if not careful!

Everyone knows that when the skin is sensitive, it is really uncomfortable. Some girls are because the seasons alternate, the temperature, the humidity, the change is relatively large, and it is easy to wind, so the skin can not adapt to this change very quickly. There will be redness, peeling, itching, and peeling. Of course, there are also girls who are due to pollen, dust, spores, and obvious skin allergies.

Some girls are sensitive skin caused by genetic or skin barrier damage. The stratum corneum is thinner and the skin is also poorly water-blocking. It is easily stimulated by the outside world. Because the skin itself is relatively fragile, if one does not pay attention, there may be problems, and every day is worrying (▔, ▔).

So how do you know that you are really experiencing sensitive issues?Then everyone to do a test.

1. The skin is dry and peeled, and it is useless to use the moisturizing water emulsion.
2. The skin is reddened and may be accompanied by itching.
3. The skin feels very tight and there is a feeling of pain.
4. The skin is dark yellow, rough and looks listless.
5. With the previous skin care products, there was a situation of stinging and erythema.

YANKO SKINCARE BASICDesigned for sensitive skin
That skin is sensitive, what should we do? Every day, I look at my problem face and feel desperate. Even the courage to look in the mirror is gone. To properly save our sensitive muscles, we must start from the break.

When it's sensitive, we shouldn’t put anything messy on their faces. At this time, our skin care products must be simple, try to reduce the burden on the skin.

Simple and useful skin care products can reduce the irritation of the skin, give it time and conditions to repair itself, and help it repair it is the most important!

Yanko skincare Hydra set

Yanko skincare Hydra contains powerful repair energy, which can help the skin to repair sensitive and fragile phenomena caused by sun also have spf 25! , wind and unreasonable skin care.

it looks hin clear, and the ductility is very good, push it a few times, it will absorb.

Yanko skincare Hydra is suitable for all skin types over 18 years old and can be used by both men and women.

Quickly pick up!If you don't want to become a sensitive muscle that changes your face in the season, carefully choose skin care products and greet us 2019!

link : 

Shenzhen Yanko High-End Biological Technology Co., Ltd. © copyright 2017




- Mengandungi pelembab yang tinggi & extract natural tumbuh tumbuhan.
- Ia berfungsi untuk memudarkan 'black spot/bintik hitam , melasma , jerawat akibat dari jangkitan bakteria.
- Platinum Day Cream juga berfungsi untuk mengawal tompokan jeragat/ pigments & seterusnya menampakkan kulit 2x lebih cerah.
- Selain itu, day cream platinum juga memberikan perlindungan lebih kepada kulit & menjadikan kulit lebih licin, anjal & kelihatan lebih muda.

- Mengandungi sumber protein yang tinggi , ekstrak daripada tumbuhan semulajadi, AHA, Vit A (merawat garis2) , C (merawat jerawat) , E (memudarkan parut) & BHA / bahan pengaktif kulit.
- Ia meresap pantas kedalam kulit & mampu memperbaiki teksture kulit yang mengalami penuaan dengan pantas.
- Berfungsi untuk meningkatkan metabolisme kulit & membuang jeragat & membuatkan kulit yang kasar menjadi licin, lembut & anjal.

- Berfungsi untuk membuang lebihan minyak pada kulit, bedak / kosmetik & kotoran yang melekat pada kulit dengan lembut & berkesan
- Cleanser platinum juga berfungsi untuk memudarkan parut & juga kulit mati pada kulit. Meningkatkan metabolisme kulit, serta membantu untuk mencerahkan kulit.
- Ia juga membantu agar 'newly born skin' / kulit yang baru 'bernafas' dengan bebas & mengimbangi kelembapan kulit.

Keterangan lanjut : 


Pernah Dengar Yanko Skincare?
Ala… set skincare yang sedang terhangat di pasaran sekarang la ni…
Sebenarnya dah lama tau! semenjak 1996 lagi tu…

Baru sekarang ni ramai orang berkata tentang skincare ni

Mengapa ya?
Sebab ianya berkesan la. Yanko berkesan tampa menggunakan sebarang iklan. Sebab tu you all baru dengar tentang skincare ni sekarang. Mulut orang bercakap sana-sini, cakap skincare ni bagus, dah berpatutan harganya… wei!
Dah tengok ni?

yanko skincare malaysia, putihkan kulit, masalah kulit jeragat, jerawat.
yanko skincare testimoni, yanko skincare malaysia

yanko skincare malaysia, putihkan kulit, masalah kulit jeragat, jerawat 488
Produk ni pakaging yang menarik, datang khas dari Taiwan, menggunakan teknologi German tau!
Lulus FDA dengan kawalan kualiti yang amat ketat, Lagi ketat dari KKM tau! Jadi you all jangan risau. Setakat ni dah ramai orang guna dan tiada kesan sampingan pada pengguna. Malah ramai yang recommend pada Dea. Sebab tulah Dea nak recommend produk ni pada you all.
Krim Malam Yanko mengandungi Triple Vitamis, pro vitamin B3, B5 and vitamin E mengurangkan tompok hitam dan kusam pada kulit dan wajah. Ia akan menghilangkan kulit hitam dan mati dan menumbuhkan kulit yang baru dan lebih sihat.
Cer…guna selama seminggu…apa akan jadi???? Ha…

Kulit diorang bertambah glowing you all.
Sebelum tu… nak kasi tahu, dah banyak skincare yang sy dah cuba.Dah penuh almari dengan produk skincare.Dah banyak yang masuk dalam tong sampah sebab tak serasi pada kulit…Paling sy serik adalah
MERCURI!!!! Yes! sy rasa dah ramai yang terkena dengan produk yang ada mercuri. Seram tau…
Mula-mula guna nmpak ok….dah berhenti muka jadi lebih teruk dan kulit jadi sensitif
Apa yang paling sy takut kalau ada kerosakan buah pinggang. OKlah ini sy nak share adakah produk Yanko ni ada Mercuri??? Jawapannya…. Tiada!
Jadi jangan takut la nak guna….sy dah check dan pastikan bahan yang terkandung adalah selamat digunakan. Jadi jangan risau, boleh digunakan pada bila-bila masa.
Produk ni dah lama di pasaran cuma baru ni saja kita dengar.
Nak cakap tipu…benci
Tapi result dia cengini…ha berkesan wei!!


Tahukah anda Yanko platinum mempunyai 2x ganda kecerahan dari set-set yang lain .ia mengalakkan metabolisma kulit serta mengaktifkan sel sel kulit baru pada kulit anda . Produk ini sangat sesuai kepada 30tahun ke atas yang mempunyai kulit gelap dan jeragat ! 

Digalakkan awal 30an ia membantu mengawal minyak dan menghalang jeragat serta menganjalkan skin dari kedutan diwajah 

Krim malam dan siang yang mengandungi elemen(bearberry),ekstrak herba dan botani ditambah bahan antibakteria,enzim , anti radang dan vitamin untuk menghasilkan 2 x ganda kesan pemutih . sangat membantu menghapuskan bintik hitam,frekcles,pigmentasi dan jerawat punca bakteria . 

Anda sudah bersedia utk miliki kulit yang cerah dan cantik? 

Saturday, 21 January 2017


Skin-whitening comes from the pursuits to inner belief and the desire to getting the perfect skin

Yanko keeps exploring the cause of Asian women beauty that founded Skin-whitening series brand product. The product of Yanko respect natural intelligence, combine valuable plant extracts and natural resources, select the best quality plant, the edge CR technology of France, with unique repair active ingredient, remove the melanin cells, reduce the dark spots. Do amazing wonders for Skin-whitening.

The legend “Yanko” make for Asian women different skin to produce the product that from clean ,moisturizes to a full range of care. It makes the skin keep moisturizing , skin-whitening and much tender. Let every woman has the perfect skin forever Eliminates stains,refinement skin-whitening cycles by improving the skin’s own metabolic capacity. Everyday have new surprise. Yanko is not only focus on the development of the skin-whitening’s cause but also advocate the positive, confident and bright attitude toward to life. It won the reputation as” Asian women skin beauty expert” and became the leader of Asian Skin-whitening products.!